市川真理(Mari Miyazawa)
本片讲述的故事以用小麦做成的各种食物人生活的世界为背景。许多不同种类的小麦人彼此敌对。但是,当有不是由小麦做出的生命体出现时,例如由肉和奶油制成的生命体,小麦人就会联合起来抵抗其他生命体。在这个世界里,有一个没有什么特别之处的香肠人。之前,这个香肠人从未见过与自己不同的人。由于他项链上的号码为“九”,人们便都叫他“九”。 当九看到所有这些生命体都是由不同种类的食物制成时,他感到十分困惑。由于九不是小麦人,所以小麦人拘禁了他。但他有一个很聪明的朋友,在这位聪明人的帮助下,九被小麦人当成了同伴。在短暂的和平之后,邻国又爆发了一场战斗。在九和他同伴的同心协力下,双方达成了休战协议,似乎一切都会好起来时,后来液体人又来了…… 麻烦似乎还远没有结束。当九回到自己家时,他带回了“个性”这个概念作为纪念品。 如果每人都有自己的个性,也许他们就不再需要带编号的项链来区分彼此了。即使是在他们的小社会里,最终也会有小团体和反对派形成,但如果发生这种情况,他可以在混乱中自得其乐,就像在小麦人的世界一样。

The story is set in a world where foods that are made from wheat live. The many varieties are hostile to each other. However, when beings made from things other than wheat appear, such as those made from meat and cream, they all work together to oppose them. In this world, a sausage with no unique features appears. Until now, he has never seen anyone different from himself, and is called "Nine" because of the number on his necklace. Nine is perplexed when he sees all of these beings made from various types of food. As he is not made of wheat, he is imprisoned, but thanks to his clever friend, he is accepted as a comrade. After a brief period of peace, another fight begins in a neighboring country. A compromise is reached through the efforts of Nine and his comrades, and it seems like all will end well, but then the liquids arrive... It seems like the trouble is far from over. When Nine returns to his family, he takes with him as his souvenir the idea of individuality. If individuality developed, maybe they wouldn't need numbered necklaces any more. Even inside their small bag, groups and opposition will probably form eventually, but if that happens, he could have fun in the commotion, just like he did in the world of wheat.