The Fight
Matthew Tan(Matthew Tan)
美国(United States)
lucha,名词, | loo-chah | 1.拳击:指激烈的身体对抗(如拳击比赛)。 2.奋斗:一个特殊的古巴俚语,指克服不利的经济条件所需要的日常努力。这部电影提供了一个难得的机会,让我们得以一窥古巴的生活经历,与此同时,两个拳击手在哈瓦那度过了一天的生活,一个处于他职业生涯的起点,另一个处在痛苦的终点。前者是7岁的丹尼尔(Daniel),他梦想成为一名国家拳击明星,并乐观地认为,他将赢得今天的拳击训练。后者埃维里奥(Evelio)现年45岁,曾是一名格斗运动冠军,现在和许多古巴人一样,为了维持足够的生活,他同时做着好几份工作。通过他们的叙述,我们看到了古巴人民的动力和雄心壮志受到过去60年来一直遭受经济封锁的现实的阻碍。与埃维里奥不同的是,丹尼尔还没有意识到,古巴人真正的战斗并不在拳台之内,而是在拳台之外。

lucha, noun. | loo-chah | 1. Fight: referring to the violent exchange of physical blows (e.g., a boxing match). 2. Struggle: a unique Cuban slang referring to the day-to-day efforts required to surmount adverse economic odds. The film offers a rare glimpse into the Cuban experience, paralleling a day in the lives of two boxers in Havana, one at the start of his career and the other at the bitter end. The former is 7-year-old Daniel who dreams of becoming a national boxing star, and is optimistic that he will win today’s fight at training. The latter, Evelio, is a 45-year-old former combat-sport champion who now – like many Cubans – works multiple jobs in order to make an adequate living. Through their intertwined narratives, we see a vérité expression of the Cuban people’s drive and ambition hampered by the realities of living in a country that has been undergoing economic siege for the past 60 years. Unlike Evelio, Daniel has yet to realize that the real Cuban fight is the one that lies not within the boxing ring, but beyond.