Fayaz - The Story of Courage (15)
Er. Abdul Rashid Bhat(Er. Abdul Rashid Bhat)
这是一个关于男孩法亚兹(Fayaz)的令人痛心的故事。2014年5月19日,年仅4岁的法亚兹和妹妹西姆兰(Simran)一起出门玩耍,此时他们偶然发现一个不明物体。然而当他们开始摆弄这个物体,他们不知道会有什么后果发生,事实证明后果很严重。震耳欲聋的爆炸声使西姆兰永远沉默了。这次爆炸夺去了西姆兰的生命以及法亚兹的双腿。试想一下这对他们的父亲里亚兹·艾哈迈德(Riyaz Ahmad)意味着什么。对他来说,生活骤然而止,但他必须活下去,让他的儿子也活下去。甘德巴的HOPE残疾中心点燃了这位父亲的希望,他让他的儿子在这里接受治疗。经验丰富的HDC理疗专家对法亚兹进行了仔细的检查,并安排了双侧人工膝关节置换术。法亚兹现在已经装上了义肢,双腿可以站立。对他来说,生活变得有意义了。上学是法亚兹的梦想,斯利那加的一所学校不仅接收了法亚兹,也接收了他的弟弟。现在,法亚兹和其他学生一样在学校学习,法亚兹成了他人的榜样。法亚兹的故事是一个关于勇气的故事。他梦想成为一名医生,他的父母也竭尽所能地帮助他实现梦想。面对自己的残疾,他不认命。他向我们展现了他别样的生活方式——充满活力、喜悦和希望,尽情地享受生活。

It is a gut-wrenching story of Fayaz. He was barely four when on 19th May, 2014 he along with his sister Simran, went to play where they stumbled on an unknown object. Not knowing the consequences, they started playing with it and there was it. A deafening blast that silenced Simran for ever. Simran lost her life and Fayaz his legs. Imagine what it meant to Riyaz Ahmad, their father. Life stopped for him but he had to live and make his son live as well. HOPE offered a hope and he got his son treated there. At Hope Disability Centre at Ganderbal he was properly examined by the well experienced Physio-therapists of HDC and was given bilateral through knee prosthesis. Fayaz has now two peg legs to stand on. Life changed its meaning for Fayaz. Schooling was a dream for Fayaz, one School in Srinagar adapted not only Fayaz but his brother too. Now Fayaz is studying as others are studying. Fayaz is the role model for others. Fayaz is a story of courage. He wants to be a doctor and his parents are there to fulfill his dream. He doesn’t accept his disability. Full of life, joy and hope, Fayaz has shown the way to live and enjoy life to the fullest.