该片讲述了七十年代末,发生在中国柳州某小镇上的故事,奶奶为小男孩准备生日礼物,而小男孩却在小店里打工为奶奶准备礼物,小店老板为了成全祖孙俩的心愿,为他们准备了彼此的礼物。全片采用单线 条娓娓道来的叙事手法,像一缕春风,一汪清泉,一股 暖流,温暖人心。
The film tells the story of the end of 70s, in a small town in Liuzhou Chinese, a grandma prepares birthday gift for the little boy, while the little boy works in a shop to prepare gift for the grandma. The shop owner prepares gifts for each of the grandma and the grandson, to fulfill theirs wishes. The whole film uses a single line narrative method, like a breeze, a fountain and a warm current which warms up people’s hearts.