Living In The Story – Short Version
Lynn Estomin(Lynn Estomin)
美国(United States)
“故事中的生活”系列探讨了由著名摄影艺术家Patrick Ryoichi Nagatani提出的关于移民、拘禁和核问题的三个问题。鉴于战争威胁不断升级,有毒污染和全世界难民人口不断增加,这些问题在今天特别重要。 Nagatani是我们这个时代最杰出的摄影艺术家之一。在20世纪70年代后期,他开创了洛杉矶当代建筑摄影运动,通过从装置,雕塑,模型和绘画中构建画面照片,开发出新的视觉词汇。这部电影描绘了一位艺术家对世界事件的深切关注和充分了解,他们使用图像、故事和叙事小说来提高对现代焦虑的认识,特别是对核武器技术的威胁、以及煽动对移民和少数民族的恐惧的政府政策的认识。尽管他的主题内容很严肃,但他的创新形象令人感到信服和有趣。 Nagatani是一位有吸引力的老师和讲故事者,他在电影中讲述了他的项目,他非正统的摄影技巧,以及他对小说和事实的微妙编织。

Living in the Story explores three photographic series dealing with immigration/internment and nuclear issues by distinguished photographic artist Patrick Ryoichi Nagatani. These issues are particularly relevant today, in light of escalating threats of war, toxic pollution and a growing refugee population worldwide. Nagatani was one of the most brilliant photographic artists of our era. In the late 1970s, he pioneered the Contemporary Constructed Photographic Movement in Los Angeles, developing a new visual vocabulary by constructing tableau photographs from sets, sculptures, models, and paintings. The film portrays an artist deeply concerned and well informed about world events who uses imagery, storytelling and narrative fiction to raise awareness about modern anxieties, with an emphasis on the threat of nuclear weapons technology and government policies that foment fear of immigrants and minorities. Despite the serious content of his subject matter, his innovative images are compelling and entertaining. An engaging raconteur and teacher, Nagatani talks in the film about his projects, his unorthodox photographic techniques, and his subtle weaving together of fiction and fact. Scott Nagatani’s hauntingly beautiful music score provides the film’s soundtrack.