Kuli Calling
Dr Satyakam Phukan(Dr Satyakam Phukan)
杜鹃的亚洲品种以印地语名称Koel闻名世界。在阿萨姆语中,它被称为库利。在印度阿萨姆邦的古瓦哈提市首府,这种鸟数量众多。古瓦哈提(Guwahati)是世界上许多绿色植物的城市之一,其住宅区点缀着大量的树木。有大量的城市野生动物。库里鸟在其中很突出。这只鸟在这里养殖和生存需要两件事。首先,有足够的树木为他们提供食物。其次,库里鸟是一种育雏寄生虫,这意味着它在其他鸟类的巢中产卵。 Kuli的雄性和幼小的雄性都是黑色,因此它们选择将卵产在黑色的鸟类中。最常见的育雏鸟是普通乌鸦,它在古瓦哈提市大量出现。他们还在厚厚的乌鸦(一种乌鸦)的巢中产卵,这种乌鸦在古瓦哈提很少见。另一种不太常见的育雏鸟是Hill Myna,它出现在古瓦哈提的一些地方。库里鸟以其咕咕叫而闻名,库里的雄性在交配季节中发出。交配季节从阿萨姆邦的春季开始。

KULI CALLING The Asian variety of the Cuckoo known to the world by its Hindi name Koel. In the Assamese language it is called Kuli. In the Guwahati city capital of the Assam state of India, this bird is there in significant numbers. Guwahati is one of the many cities of the world where there is abundance of greenery, being dotted with large number of trees in its residential quarters. There is a presence of a large number of urban wildlife. The Kuli bird is prominent amongst them. The bird gets two things needed for its breeding and survival here. First there are sufficient trees to provide them with food. Second, the Kuli bird is a brood parasite, meaning it lays eggs in the nest of other birds. The male of the Kuli and the young ones have black colour, they therefore choose to lay their eggs in birds with black colour. The most common brood host bird is the Common Crow, which is present in large numbers in Guwahati city. They also lay eggs in the nest of the Thick Billed Crow, a type of Raven, found less commonly in Guwahati. Another less common brood host bird, is the Hill Myna, which is present in some localities of Guwahati. The Kuli bird is well known for its cooing call, which the male of the Kuli emits in the mating season. The mating season starts with the beginning of the spring season in Assam. In the spring season the Assamese people celebrate the Bohag or Rongali Bihu festival, the main festival of this nationality. The festival takes place in mid-April, in the beginning of the Assamese month of Bohag. The Kuli bird with its characteristic calling therefore finds an important place of reference in Assamese literature and music, since times immemorial.