A Drifting Boat In April
谢忠建(Xie Zhongjian)
随着市场经济的快速发展,西部地区的大部分年轻人为了生活前往发达城市务工。导致西部地区大量的老人和儿童留守在农村,通过一次对一群小学生采访,得知他们很多寄养在亲戚家,和父母很久不见一次,亲情间的联系仅靠通信设施。 片中主人公小舟住在外公家对母亲有着近乎病态的思念,主角他想成为司机因为他认为他能接他母亲回来,他用自制的客车去不断练习当一个司机,想象着自己的母亲就在这个车里

With the rapid development of the market economy, most of the young people who living in poor area in China are working in the developed cities in order to survive. As a result, a large number of their elderly parents and children are left behind in the rural areas in the western region. Director interviewed a group of primary school pupils and learned that many of them were fostered by their relatives, only can bond their relationships with phone since they barely seen their parents for years. This film is a story of how a little boy called Xiao Zhou who is living with his cousin and his grandfather who is sick mentally and physically because of tough condition survives in poorer rural area. In this film, the leading role wants to be a driver because he thinks he can pick his mother back one day, furthermore, he plays with a toy which his mother gave to him because he miss his mother badly.Which which to reflect the social problems of the process of development of China.