Dare to give up, and make your choice freely
"丁嘉耕:书法家,作家。是当代书法大师沙孟海、欧阳中石教授的入室弟子。现任职于总后勤部政治部,大校军衔。中央国家机关书法家协会副主席、北京书法家协会副主席,北京文联理事,中国书法家协会国际交流委员会委员、教育委员会委员。中国文联书画交流中心副主任,中国知识产权文化大使。全国、全军书法大赛评委。书法大师李铎先生赞扬他不贬友人,正气凛然;对丁嘉耕书法评:丁嘉耕的书法“捃碑纳帖,取博用宏。气势恢宏,老辣苍劲。出唐入晋,绚丽多姿”。丁嘉耕8幅书法作为中国国家文化代表,先后于2008、2011年、2013年、2016年分别搭载中国神舟七号载人航天飞船,中国神舟八号飞船、中国神舟九号载人航天飞船、天宫一号目标飞行器、中国神舟十号飞船、中国神舟十一号载人航天飞船飞越太空。向世界展示中国传统文化,被誉为“天宫墨宝”和航天飞船上的“中国名片”。 "

Jiageng Ding, calligraphy and writer, is the disciple of contemporary master calligraphy Menghai Sha and professor Zhongshi Ouyang. He now serves in political department of general logistics department and in the senior colonel ranks. He is also vice chairman of the Association of Calligraphers of The Central Government, vice chairman of Beijing Calligrapher's Association, council of Beijing Literary Federation, member of the International Exchange Committee of Chinese Calligrapher's Association, and member of Education Committee. Deputy director of the communication Center of the China Association of Literary and Calligraphy, cultural ambassador of Chinese intellectual property, and judge of national and military calligraphy competition. Duo Li, the master calligraphy, praised Mr. Ding for his kindness to friends and righteousness, and commented his works as “magnificent and vigorous, collected the copybooks of various styles; gorgeous and colorful, mixed the styles of Tang and Jin dynasty”. Eight of his calligraphy works, as a representative of the Chinese national culture, had been carried over space respectively by the China’s Shenzhou 7 manned spacecraft, China's Shenzhou 8 spacecraft, China’s Shenzhou 9 manned spacecraft, Tiangong-1 target aircraft, China’s Shenzhou 10 manned spacecraft, China’s Shenzhou 11 manned spacecraft in 2008 and 2011, 2013 and 2016 successively. They are known as the “space calligraphy” and “Chinese name card” on the space ship through which display the traditional Chinese cultural to the whole world.