Chen Fu (EpisodeⅡ)
"沉浮:以字作画,创‘形意书’风,之后旅居东欧做访问学期间,广纳博采、开阔眼界。随后,他的创作以梅花为主,所创皆以山水之笔法入画,创浩然大气之象。先后师从杨延文、李宝林学习中国画的沉浮,取益传统,亦能主观拓进,他以多元的视角,涉笔成趣,不断推陈出新,用李宝林先生的话说:""沉浮的山水画像坐飞机那样进步很快。”他的作品可贵之处是有感而发,使得作品更有生动、鲜活,这也是体现了他做人、做事的风格和好学的精神,在艺界论天界、地界、人界之三界,佛界论欲界、色界、无色界为三界, 三界之外还有另外一界吗,他一直在寻找着。"

Chen Fu: He made paintings with words and created the style of “Xingyishu”. After that, in the period while he resided in East Europe as a visiting scholar, he learned widely from others’ strong points, and expanded his horizon. After that, plum blossom played a leading role in his creation. What he created was the technique of writing of landscape, and manifested the image of generosity. He ever took Yang Yanwen and Li Baolin as his teachers successively to learn ups and downs of Chinese paintings, took benefits from tradition, and made expansion subjectively. From the diversified perspective, he wrote essays sparkled with wit and humor, and continuously got rid of the stale and brought forth the fresh. Just like Mr. Li Baolin said, “Chen Fu made very rapid progress in creating landscape paintings.” What is valuable about his works is inspired by true feelings, so that his works are more vivid and alive. This also shows his style to behave himself and handle affairs and the spirit of being studious. In the art circles, it is divided into three realms including the realm of heaven, the realm of earth and the realm of human. In the Buddha circles, it is divided into the realm of desire, the realm of lust, and the realm of no lust. Is there another realm other than three realms? He has been seeking it all the time.