A ticket for a movie
罗依体(Luo Yiti)
一个乡村三年级学生,但是自己从来没有看过电影,所以经常去听别人讲。青春期的叛逆在他身上已经初露端倪,他跟朋友打架,还经常逃课,时常被母亲责备,老师嫌弃,可是母亲的碎碎念,老师的责骂,体罚,完全对他不构成威胁,他态度恭谦我行我素,后来听说镇上要放映一次电影,为了找到钱去看电影,他不但偷了母亲的嫁妆,还忽悠女孩的相机 骗同学的钱..... 电影放映的时间越来越近,可是钱却还没有足够一张电影票和来回的车费 最后他决定只买一张单程票,终于把票买好了,他兴奋的等着,当第一次开始期盼愿望达成时,可是父母还没有睡不敢出门,从而耽误了车票,等他到车站的时候,火车已经离开空空如也, 而此时,镇里的电影已经在准备放映《小鞋子》.......

A rural student studying in Grade 3 never saw a movie himself, so he often went to listen to others about film. He started to show adolescent rebellion. He fought with his friends, often skipped classes, often was scolded by his mother, and was disliked and avoided by his teachers. However, the nagging of his mother, the scold and corporal punishment of his teachers were totally no threat to him. He still persisted in his old ways with modest attitude. Later, he heard that a film would be projected in the town. In order to get money to see a movie, he not only stole his mother’s dowry, but also had sweet talk to a girl in order to get her camera, cheated his classmates for money…As it got closer and closer to the time for film projection, the money was still not enough to buy a movie ticket and a return ticket. Finally, he decided to buy a single ticket. After he bought the ticket, he waited excitedly. When he expected to make his wish come true for the first time, he dared not to go out since his parents didn’t go to sleep, thus he missed the time for the train. When he arrived at the station, the train had left. At this time, the film Small Shoes was about to be projected in the town…