有一天,小女孩与同伴们在“大圣庙”旁的小公园骑单车。因为无法摆脱单车的辅助轮,招来同伴们的嘲笑。 然而祸不单行,其中一边辅助轮在意外中破毁了。失去依赖的小女孩敌不过对跌倒的恐惧,只好黯然下车,看着同伴们的背影渐渐远去。一只拥有法术的猴子决定助小女孩一把,在他的诱导下,小女孩进入了一个诡异离奇的幻想空间。为了逃避奇异生物的滋扰,她只能硬着头皮骑上单车,在摇摇晃晃中奋力前进,并渐渐找回失落的勇气。
One day, a little girl rides a bicycle in the small park besides the “Holy Temple” together with her companions. Since she has no way of getting rid of auxiliary wheels of the bicycle, her companions all laugh at her. Misfortunes never come singly. The auxiliary wheels at one side are accidently destroyed. The little girl without support has to get off the bicycle sadly for she is afraid of falling down, and sees her companions leaving far away. A monkey with magic arts decides to help the little girl. Under his guidance, the little girl enters a strange and bizarre space of fantasy. In order to evade harassment from weird creature, she has no choice but to ride the bicycle to make her way staggeringly, and gradually finds her lost courage back.