All In Good Time
Bonnie Dempsey(Bonnie Dempsey)
故事梗概 一个关于两个孩子的喜剧幻想,一个发生在1918年,另一个发生在2018年,他们神奇地通过漂流瓶里的信息跨时间交流,帮助解决彼此的问题。 --------- 对孩子们而言,所有的美好时光都是一个滑稽的幻想。 影片讲述了1918年住在爱尔兰西海岸的爱尔兰男孩马尔和2018年住在同一个地方的印度裔爱尔兰女孩萨姆之间的友谊。通过把漂流瓶扔进海里,他们两人竟然可以神奇地穿越时空进行交流。他们的父母很忙,而且觉得很荒唐,所以不相信他们,但他们并不在乎。他们很开心可以通过漂流瓶互相传递信息来了解对方的世界。 山姆还能够运用部分现代化的干预方式,帮助马拉奇面对欺凌他的大男孩们。 但是,山姆的父亲告诉她,由于经济困难,他们必须搬家时,马拉奇和山姆想出了一个扭曲时间的方法。 这是一个以视觉为导向的故事,强调了两个来自不同世界、本毫无瓜葛的孩子之间的文化冲突和独特友谊。

LOGLINE A comic fantasy about two children, one in 1918, the other in 2018, who magically communicate across time through messages in a bottle and help solve each other’s problems. --------- All In Good Time is a comic fantasy for children. It’s about the friendship that develops between Mal, an Irish boy who lives on the west coast of Ireland in 1918 and Sam, an Indian-Irish girl who lives in the same place in 2018. They are magically able to communicate across the ages through messages in a bottle they throw into the sea. Their parents are too busy or sceptical to believe them but they don’t care. They’re having too much fun learning about each other’s world and sending each other things through the bottle. Sam is also able to help Malachy confront the older boy who bullies him with the help of some modern intervention. But when Sam’s Dad tells her they have to move away due to financial difficulties Malachy and Sam hatch a time-twisting plan to solve the problem. This is a visually-driven story with an emphasis on fun about the culture clash and unique friendship that develops between two mismatched kids who come from different worlds.