The lady of the camellias
出租屋内,余彬的电话一直在响,电话显示女朋友的闺蜜艾米,余彬一直不接,直到最终他不耐烦接通了,艾米急促地告诉他女朋友小满出了车祸,如今命在旦夕,需要一笔钱来抢救。 余彬习惯于逃避,他开始推脱自己不在深圳,推脱小满的治疗费,而身在现场的艾米,却以一个月之前他们发生的事情来死死压住他,余彬正像一只猎物一样,逐渐被人圈住......

Yu Shan's phone is keeping ringing in the rental room, It's Amy who is friend of Yu Shan's girlfirend. Yu Shan didn't answer the phone until he's upset. Amy tell him his girlfirend Xiaoman has a very serious car accident and need a lot of money for cure. Yu Shan says he is already leave Shenzhen because he is used to escape. However, Amy push him by a thing that happend a month age when his try to Xiaoman's medical expense. Then Yu Shan is getting trap like a prey...... In a rented room, Yu Bin's phone is ringing, and it is his girlfriend's friend Amy. Yu Bin does not pick up until he was impatient. Amy hurriedly told that his girlfriend, Xiaoman, was involved in a traffic accidents. She is in critical condition and needs a sum of money for life-saving. Yu Bin has been accustomed to escaping. He says that he is not in Shenzhen to avoid the medical expense for Xiaoman. Amy, who is on the scene, pushes him with something happened between them a month ago. Yu Bin, just like a prey, is gradually trapped.....