What if global trade ended? CGTN sets a challenge
7月6日,美国特朗普政府挥起贸易大棒,砸向中国,中国也旋即采取反制措施,中美贸易战正式打响。美国贸易保护主义的倒行逆施无疑对经济全球化的进程造成了不良的影响,假如没有经济全球化,不管是“中国制造”还是外国品牌的产品,也许都“需要经过一波三折”才能到达消费者手中。如果“中国制造”在全世界销声匿迹,外国朋友们的生活会发生什么变化?如果再也没有琳琅满目的进口商品,我们的又是否能适应“完全国货”时代? CGTN发起了一项特殊的挑战,在全球范围内找了五位外国朋友挑战没有“中国制造”的一天,同时也让五位中国朋友挑战不使用外国品牌的一天。

The world is more interconnected than ever before: we rely on each other and share with each other – for the benefit of each other. But there are forces that want to undermine the progress which globalization has facilitated, people who don't accept the positives of a system that has helped so many to rise from poverty to better lives. The Trump administration is threatening to break a system that – though not perfect – has created common prosperity and delivered choice as well as opportunity. Forget the economic theory. Forget the rights or wrongs of those who want to turn clock back. And think, what would the impact be on your daily life if we did go back in time? What would modern life be like if we rejected products or brands from other countries? What if rising protectionism made it impossible to buy from foreign businesses? To answer these questions, CGTN proposed a challenge: Try to live for one day without global trade. We invited people from all over the world to film and share their experience about “one day without things Made in China” and “one day without foreign brands”.