Age Of Animals
穆斯塔法(Mustafa Yeşil)
“这个故事讲述了,年轻的红发女人从一头追逐她的公牛手中逃脱,而在这个世界里,动物是主导物种,而人类是“原始物种”,进化以另一种方式进行。 红发女人之后又被吃人肉的羊和牛追捕,逃掉之后却被一只狼抓住了。但和之前的故事完全不同。这只狼是想保护这个红头发的年轻女人,让她远离荒野的危险,并养活她。 这名年轻女子却从试图保护她的狼手中逃脱,然后她脖子上的绳子挂在了一块石头上,她摔倒了,晕倒了。那头从电影一开始就追着她的公牛找到了她。他把她带到房子里。第二天公牛正准备割女人。母牛说上帝可以接受他们的牺牲,让他们给一头小牛。这个年轻的女人是一个誓约。这部电影结束。但在动物的时代,生命仍在继续,尽管有其他物种的悲剧。

"The story tells us escape of young red-haired woman from a bull who is chase her in a world where evolution operates otherwise when animals are the dominant species at the same time humans are ""primitive species"". After manage to escape from the bulls chase her for a while this time the young woman try to escape from a sheep and a cow. The young red-haired woman who has manage to escape from these two living things that eat human flesh, after that she caught by a wolf. But this wolf is completely different from the story of the red-headed girl. All he wants is to protect the red-haired young woman from the dangers of the wilderness and feed her. The young woman escape from the wolf who try to protect her then the rope around the her neck hangs on a stone and she falls, faints. The Ox who chase and follow her since the start of the movie finds her. He takes it to the house. The next day ox is prepare to cut the woman. The cow says that the god can accept their sacrifice and asks them to give a calf. The young woman is a vow. The movie ends. But life continues at the time of animals in spite of the tragedies of others."